
Equine Ortho-Bionomy Courses - the Beginning!

Last year I showed a couple of friends the treatment of the pelvic area for the horse. Over the last year or so I've been sorting my ideas and techniques, so that I can pass this information on to others. It's one thing to do it myself and quite another to be able to communicate this!

One lady has worked with horses all her life, is a horse physiotherapist and can also 'talk' with them. My other friend is a vet, but has not practiced for a long time...had kids! They both have up to course 7 of the Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner Training, so Phase 5 (dynamic movements) but no Phase 6 (energy work). This I think is important to know, because here in France and Germany one has to have at least one phase 6 course and one cranio course in order to take part in the horse courses. 


We worked with the Ilium in Phase 5, anterior or posterior; then the Ilio-sacral joints with a 'push' or rebound via the tuber coxae and the focus on the joint underneath the tuber sacral; a balance of the two tuber ischii with the focus on the symphyse; the same hand position with the focus on the faszial diaphragm of the  pelvic floor; the sacrum in Phase 5, then the fingers paravertebral to the sacrum with a deep Phase 5 focus of the deep ligaments holding the sacrum and the ilium; the lumbal-sacral joint and last the iliopsoas muscle.

What amazed me was the effect! We had two deeply relaxed horses with four completely free ilio-sacral joints. The physio kept checking, I don't think she could believe how easy it was! No fight, no fear, just easy, light, all in the free direction.....Ortho-Bionomy as we know it!
👍🏼 Working with the horses standing free in their box, they wanted to be treated. The one mare very clearly indicated that she would like a 4-handed treatment together with my vet friend, who was watching and was a bit unsure, and myself. Trust yourself, the mare 'said', and she did! Let her hands simply do the walking. Amazing! The second horse she treated completely by herself. One totally relaxed horse and two free IS joints. So easy! Thank you Ortho-Bionomy!




Since then I've been practicing giving the full-range of the equine courses with two other colleagues. One lady had experience working energetically, however the other had no previous therapeutic experience and both had no previous experience of the Ortho-Bionomy. Both owned their own horses. I was interested to find out if it was possible to pass on the Ortho-Bionomy principles to people who had absolutely no previous experience, and to see whether they were then in a position to work with these principles and some specific techniques to help the horses find their position of ease.


I showed them the techniques that I have developed for the pelvis: Ilium rotation, ilio-sacral joints, sacrum, lumbal-sacral joint, tuber ischii and the symphyse, the sacroiliac and sacrotuberous ligaments and the iliopsoas muscle. We tested the free direction where possible, followed the Phase 4 principles of the Ortho-Bionomy, following on into the dynamic movements of Phase 5, as well as using some deep focus for the ligaments.


Again, the effect was amazing! The colleague who had no previous therapeutic experience treated a mare who, at the beginning, was extremely sceptical. She stood in the corner of her box not at all sure what all this was going to be about! After the introductory exercises, she relaxed, as did my colleague, and they continued to work in quiet harmony with one another. During the treatment (I love this word, the Ortho-Bionomy is really a Treat!) of the iliopsoas muscle, she suddenly said that it felt as if there was a lump under her one hand. I realised that an energetic reaction was taking place and instructed my friend to slowly raise her hand in order to let the energy release, which she did, moving quite intuitively. The mare took a big sigh, bent her neck and looked around at my friend with big wondering thankful eyes. My friend however checked to see if there really was a lump there and when she found that there wasn't, she turned to me with big wondering thankful eyes! For the rest of the treatment the mare stood totally relaxed with her head hanging. At the end she turned to my colleague, and kept nuzzling her, as if to say, "Thank you!"


My second colleague was the trainer of this mare, and months later could confirm the continuing beneficial effects of this one treatment. I was very happy to hear this, and again, oh so thankful for the Ortho-Bionomy!


Anna Hayes, Ph.D.