Bodyhelp  workshops

I offer workshops and courses for treating horses following the principles of orthobionomy as well as workshops for people. These are not a part of the official Ortho-Bionomy training program. 

I offer a range of workshops where you learn to apply the principles of orthobionomy to help treat various symptoms. For the full program of workshops available please click here


International courses can be found under the International Society for Ortho-Bionomy's website: 

In the video below you will see me at work teaching on a live BodyHelp course where the participants subsequently learnt how to realign a pelvic misalignment following the principles of orthobionomy. 

I offer courses for Equine Bodywork following the principles of orthobionomy for up to 8 people at your own stable. Experience with horses is a strict requirement, but no other therapeutic experience is necessary. 


For more information about the courses that I give please click here. 


Below I demonstrate a complete pelvic treatment for a horse during a BodyHelp class in Germany. Interestingly, half way through the horse showed me that it needed a treatment of the thorax before the treatment of the sacrum!